Our Vision:
We exist to Share the Love of God with ALL people in our community to make Followers of Jesus.
Our Strategy:
- REACH: Ministries/Events that engage and invite unchurched/disenfranchised people in our community to experience the love of Jesus through the body of Christ. (Outside)
- CONNECT: Ministries/Events that help people connect to Jesus and the D/A Church family. (Inside)
- FOLLOW: Ministries/Groups that help people to become FOLLOWERS of Jesus. (Follow-ship Road Map, Life Groups, Bible Studies, Sunday School, Serving teams etc.)
- SEND: Ministries/Events that release God’s people to make the realities of heaven the realities of earth. (Mission and Evangelism)
PROGRAMS and SMALL GROUP FELLOWSHIP: There are many opportunities to serve, learn, and connect through programs and small groups. All are welcomed!
- Children’s Ministries provide children with opportunities to learn, grow, and develop a commitment to Christian growth and continuing education. It plans Sunday morning Sunday School classes for children at 10 am and the children’s sermon as part of the 10 am worship. Special events during the year include community service projects, Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School in the summer, Trunk or Treat, Children’s Christmas Party, family game nights and more. For more information, contact Rebecca Grimes, Children’s Ministry.
- Dalewood Creative Preschool
provides quality daycare to young children and shares the love of God with families in our area. The preschool meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 am-2 pm. Aftercare available 2pm-3pm Ages 18 months-4 years. For more information and tuition rates, call Bernetta Teats at 615-226-6317, email Bernettat1@aol.com
- Youth Ministries provide a safe and nurturing place for middle and high school students to explore their relationship with God and develop friendships within the church. Game nights, movie outings, service projects, Warmth in Winter, and other events are planned throughout the year. Each Friday Night we have partnered with the Stratford High Football Team. We Cook, Feed, Serve and Pray with these young men. Come help support this amazing ministry. You can sign up by committing to help cook, serve or clean.
- Men’s Breakfast group meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30 am. All men are welcome to join together in Langford Hall for a time of fellowship, prayer, and good food to start the day off right.
- Needlethreaders invites you to join in a time of fellowship with fellow crafters. Work on a church sewing or knitting project, help make a banner for the sanctuary, or bring your own project to work on. All are welcome to share their creativity and talents.
- SEND: Sent to
serve others in need through Christian response. Believing in the Methodist vows charging each of us to support the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, and service, the Outreach Ministries at Dalewood collects donations and provides volunteers to assist social service and outreach programs serving the community, Inglewood Elementary, Stratford High School. Soles 4 Souls, East Nashville Cooperative Ministry, Rosebank Elementary School, East Prep School, Meharry General Hospital, Warm Hands-Warm Heart, and United Methodist Church initiatives.
- Scouts – Boy Scout Troop 262 and Cub Scout pack 262 are sponsored by Dalewood UMC.