Enroll for Dalewood Creative Preschool

Dalewood Creative PreschoolDalewood Creative Preschool is a ministry of Dalewood United Methodist Church, located at 2300 Ridgecrest Drive in Inglewood.

A few spots are open for children ages 12 months-PreK.  We are a two day, Monday and Wednesday program from 9 am -3 pm.

We strive to have a quality program to prepare your child for Kindergarten. We focus on pre-reading and early reading skills and of course the basics. We use creative curriculum to enhance your child’s learning experience and have Chapel time once a week where we sing songs, hear bible stories and learn.

Throughout the year we plan lots of outside guest to come and speak/ perform for the children including the Nashville Library Bringing Books to Life, The Nashville Library Puppet Truck, Environmutt, Rescue Rex, Inglewood Public Library as well as others. We plan special activities to provide hands on experiences in learning and have our own Spanish teacher to work with your children.  Call 616.226.6316 or email  dalewoodcreativepreschool@gmail.com

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Dalewood United Methodist Church is now registered with www.GoodSearch.com. Go to the site, register, and designate Dalewood United Methodist Church as your charity. Download their browser and the church will earn about a penny for every internet search you make. In addition, they also offer an online shopping mall, www.GoodShop.com, where you can shop at more than 2,400 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to the church. There is no charge to you or the church for this service.